Piadina Romagnola

Origins And Variants Of Piadina Romagnola

Piadina Romagnola is the summer street food of Emilia Romagna par excellence. It is so deep-rooted to be recognized with the mark of Protected Geographical Indication (IGP). Mainly there are two different types of dough, but in practice, each family has its own personal recipe. The Piadina protected by the IGP trademark, foresees strict doses

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Crescia Recipe

This Is Crescia Not Piadina

Piadina from Romagna is well know all over the world. Perhaps not everyone knows Crescia from Marche. It is very similar to the famous Piadina Romagnola  but it has some extra ingredient on it, such as eggs and pepper. In Marche region Crescia is often the substitute of bread. It can be eat stuffed or even

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