Spaghetti di Gragnano e colatura di alici ok

The Exquisite Colatura di Alici di Cetara

Colatura di Alici di Cetara (Anchovy Drippings) is an Italian fish sauce made from anchovies, from the small fishing village of Cetara, Campania. The sauce is a transparent, amber-colored liquid, produced by fermenting anchovies in brine. The fish used in the sauce are harvested from the Amalfi Coast between March 25 (Annunciation) and July 22.  The

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Torta Pasqualina Easter Pie

7 Traditional Italian Easter Dishes

Easter is coming and we have to think about the delicious dishes of traditional Italian cuisine. In Italy, the traditional Easter dishes are not lacking and, from year to year, from generation to generation, are handed down and re-proposed, often with some variations.  In this article we have selected the top 7 traditional Italian Easter dishes

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Ice Cream Italian

The True History of Italian Ice Cream

Ice cream is part of the Italian diet, as it concludes a meal or delights the palate during a break or a snack. It is a product whose origins are very ancient. It is mentioned for the first time at the time of the Greeks, around 500 BC. Obviously it is not the version we

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Autumn Products on Italian Tables

Autumn colors even the tables, not only the Italian landscapes. The foliage that can be admired in the mountain woods or among the hilly vineyards can also be found in the dishes, which take on those typical autumn nuances. Delicate flavors, with intense aromas that fill the kitchen, without ever tiring. There are many combinations

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carnaroli rice

Curiosities about Carnaroli Rice

Carnaroli rice has always been associated to Lombardy, where it was born in 1945 from the crossing of Vialone and Lencino varieties. The inventor of this new product, Ettore de Vecchi, was looking for a rice having characteristics of cooking and resistance to atmospheric agents. The etymology is the result of a promise made by

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History Of Tuscan Cooking, The Best Dishes

It seems that also French cooking was born from Tuscan cooking, a great boast for the Italian culinary tradition. This could be really possible because Caterina de’ Medici married Henry II of Volois, bringing with her, in her new French residence, some of the recipes of “home” and also ingredients such as olive oil and

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Baked Pasta With Eggplants

11 Best Italian Pasta Dishes for Sunday Lunch

We present here the best Italian Pasta dishes for Sunday Lunch. From North to South, the most famous dishes that every family in Italy prepares for the family. Most recipes have different versions, that vary from Region to Region or even from family to family. This is due to the fact that in Italy the

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Best 5 Pizzerias in Naples

The Best Historical Pizzerias in Naples

If you visit Naples you must eat the authentic Neapolitan Pizza. UNESCO has inscribed the “Art of Neapolitan Pizzaiuolo” in 2017 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. All that is related to the making of authentic Neapolitan Pizza, from the art of handling the dough to the movements that are carried

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Gnocchi alla Sorrentina

The History Of Gnocchi

Gnocchi are a very iconic type of dumpling in Italian cuisine, very delicious and with many variations. They are small lumps of dough most traditionally composed of a simple combination of wheat flour, egg, salt, and potatoes. There are lots of variations of gnocchi, some using semolina flour, cheese, day old breadcrumbs, or cornmeal. There

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History of the First Dishes of the Roman Tradition

A vacation in Rome has among its basic stops the local restaurants to try the traditional cuisine. These are poor dishes, with few ingredients, but of excellent quality and processed in a wise way according to ancient recipes. Eating in Rome is like taking a leap into history: discovering all the dishes that, now as

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Polenta and Italian Sausage

3 Best Italian Recipes On Cast Iron Griddle

Grilling means using a cast iron pan or other material as a cooking method that allows you to prepare very tasty main courses. The cast iron pan is used for the type of cooking called grilled. The name of this type of cooking comes from the old kitchens of the past. With the old stove

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Italian Sandwich

Typical Sandwiches for Every Italian Region

Even in Italy, street food plays a fundamental role within the traditional diet. Whether it’s take-away pasta or a sandwich on the fly, Italians never shy away from food. Every region of Italy has its own ingredients and typical bread shapes, so it is easy to satisfy all tastes. Sandwiches are the classic lunch break

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How to make Authentic Italian Meatballs

What To Cook With Christmas Leftovers

During the holiday season we get caught up in the excitement and cook quantities of food that are almost always leftover. Food should never be wasted and for this reason there are recipes that can reinvent dishes with leftover Christmas food. In a perspective of conscious consumption every product every ingredient should not be thrown

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tuscan-riboliita View Ingredients
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  • Dried cannellini beans: 400 gr (14,10 oz)
  • Stale bread: 300 gr (10,50 oz)
  • Black cabbage: 200 gr (7,00 oz)
  • Savoy cabbage: ¼
  • Swiss chard: 100 gr (3,50 oz)
  • Potatoes: 2
  • Tomatoes: 2
  • Onion: 1
  • Carrots: 2
  • Rosemary, thyme
  • Vegetable broth: 2 l (9 cup)
  • Calories: 362
  • Carbohydrates: 40
  • Fat: 26
  • Fiber: 9
  • Protein: 25

Tuscan Ribollita

The Tuscan Ribollita is a first course typical of the poor tradition of the region. It is in fact a soup…

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