cotechino e lenticchie

New Year’s Eve: Traditions At Table

There are many customs in Italy to celebrate New Year’s Eve even the table does not pull back the traditional dishes are also a wish to start the new year in the best way. The custom wants that the dinner of December 31 is based on fish, This is because being a rich dish could

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Italian Tagliatella

5 Curiosities That A Few Know About Italian Food

Italian cuisine has developed through centuries of social and economic changes, with roots extending to antiquity. Significant changes have occurred with the discovery of America and the introduction of potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, corn and sugar beets. It’s known for its regional diversity, especially between the North and South of the peninsula, offers an abundance of tastes

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Wine Oltrepo Pavese

5 Wines From Oltrepò Pavese In Lombardy

Oltrepò Pavese is a territory located in the northern side of Italy, famous for its excellent wines. It is not by chance that geographically it has the shape of a bunch of grapes, just to remember its propensity towards activity. n the last years has been developed an enological tourism which leads to the visit

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5 Favorite Summer Dishes

5 Favorite Summer Dishes of Italian People

Every year, when summer time arrives, they start searching for the most pleasing cold dishes to taste. The Mediterranean climate is not always clement and sometimes we tend to prefer something fresh, light and based on seasonal products. Italian cooking always pays attention to the use of seasonal ingredients. This allows to consume foods rich

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